Stories, critiques, essays, and various oddities.
Some stories are works-in-progress, others are finished. Some are serials, others are one-offs. All will have misspellings - I refuse to use proofreader technology on principle. (No AI, either. I do my own thinking.) I never promise quality, but I do promise effort.
All content posted here is copyrighted to me, Odden (not my real name), and cannot be reproduced in full or posted anywhere else, and cannot be used, modified, or monetized without my permission. (Even with permission, all work should be credited to me and should include links or citations to the originals here.)
Any and all feedback is welcome, as are any other notes or requests, via email: (I take feedback seriously and always appreciate notes on the stories. I'm learning as I can - if something could be better, I want to know.)
8 January 2025 - Sorry To Cut In, Part 1 (WIP, Sorta) - Part one of a serialized long-form work I'm working on. This part is mostly finished, and will only be subject to changes if later stories demand clarifications or additions to this part. (Expect part two in about a month; writing this one is...